“I come as one, but I stand as ten thousand.” - Maya Angelou


Photo by: Marc J. Franklin


Cody Renard Richard is a Tony Award winning Producer, Advocate, Educator, and professional Stage Manager with a career that spans many genres including Broadway, Television, Cirque Du Soleil and Opera.

what’s new

Cody is currently the Production Stage Manager for 1st Broadway production of The Last Five Year starring Nick Jonas and Adrienne Warren.

The 1st Broadway revival of Othello to happen in 40 years comes to the stage in the Spring of 2025 starring Denzel Washington and Jake Gyllenhaal. Cody is a proud co-producer on the production, alongside Emily McGill.

The New York Times spent a week following Cody around for feature focusing on cultural leaders in NYC.

The CRR Scholarship program celebrates it’s 5th Anniversary this year!